Brazil Theme

General 5 years ago



Simple, ready-to-use and customisable map theme of Brazil. This free theme is ideal if you want to make it easier for your users to find products and services in their own state, region or city. It will allow users to classify and filter their ads according to their geographical location in Brazil. This theme settings allow you to set which regions are your users selling products and services. From your admin panel, you can easily assign regions to your map. Remember that you must assign map regions prior to allowing users to post their ads. Do you need to customize it? All our themes allow you to add widgets both on the header and the footer section. Besides, this theme allows ad display,e.g., Google Adsense, so you can earn money with your Osclass website!

Compatibility v3.5.0 - v3.8.0
Version 3.1.0 (2016-12-20)
By Osclass Team


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36 dwnld
Product version: 3.1.0 Last update: 2019-08-23 00:13:13 Published on: 2019-08-23 00:13:13 Osclass version: Author:
United Kingdom
Registered 5 years ago