Car Dealer Osclass Theme

Automotive 5 years ago



Car dealer is a powerfull Osclass auto classified theme. Built with frontend ad submitting system, the sellers can submit their ads easily, with no headache. The Ajax powered advanced search feature provides a way to find autos easily this theme available with two colors(red, blue).
You must install car attributes plugin to make your site look like a demo.
How to change or add icon for car types?
first you have to edit or add new car types on car attributes settings in admin. ex:if you create a type like suv it does not show any icon. it will appear like suv_8. the number 8 is a ID of type. so you have to create 8.jpg and upload to oc-content/themes/cardealer/images

Version 1.0.5
By fre2mansur


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268 dwnld
Product version: 1.0.5 Last update: 2019-08-23 11:47:23 Published on: 2019-08-23 11:47:23 Osclass version: Author:
United Kingdom
Registered 5 years ago