OpenStreetMaps Maps

Maps 5 years ago



osm_maps, OpenStreetMap Maps plugin
osm_maps plugin for Open Source Classified

This plugin shows OpenStreetMap map for each item.

You should upgrade to the version 1.0.3. as Mapquest introduced a free API key starting from September 15, 2015.

Register and get your free API key at . It takes a minute or so.Then add your API key (Consumer Key) in the file: \oc-content\plugins\osm_maps\index.php in this lne:

const MAPQUEST_API_KEY ='your_key_here';

it should look like this:


The plugin requires activated:

allow_url_fopen = On

in the server php.ini file (requires server restart),

as it uses simplexml_load_file PHP function. It can be checked if it is activated via standard phpinfo(); call.

If it is not activated, and if you have no access to php.ini file on the server, try to put:

php_value allow_url_fopen On

into .htaccess file in the root folder of the server.

Google Maps plugin should be deactivated before installation.

If a house number is not mapped on the OpenStreetMap, one can add it on the map himself, as it is a wiki-style map (see for details).

The license of the OpenStreetMap allows to use it for free for commercial projects, even with high traffic volumes.



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108 dwnld
Product version: 1.0.3 Last update: 2019-09-02 12:47:20 Published on: 2019-09-02 12:47:20 Osclass version:3.5 + Author:Oleksiy Muzalyev
United Kingdom
Registered 5 years ago