Check with seller
Google Maps Plus
Features: New API key ready. New Custom parameters from back end. Custom Width and Height Map. Custom Default Zoom level. Custom Default Map Type. Load in asynchronous mode to display the fastest ad page. New in 1.2 version Now, you can select the controls that are displayed in the Google Map as: Zoom Control Type Map ...
5 years ago/
4580 hits
Check with seller
Auto Response
This plugin send an email to the user which use the contact page to send a message to administator, and in this email the user is informed that will be contacted in the short time by the administator of the site. When the contact form is submitted, Auto Response plugin send an automatic email to the email entered in th...
5 years ago/
343 hits
Mailgun for Osclass
Mails are the cornerstone of your business, specially on classifieds websites. Mailgun provides you with a solid and reliable mail server that ensures that your emails are delivered or don’t end up in the spam folder. Developed by Rackspace©, Mailgun helps you send emails from their servers. It is a scalable and afford...
5 years ago/
402 hits
Mandrill for Osclass
Mails are the cornerstone of your business, specially on classifieds websites. Mandrill provides you with a solid and reliable mail server that ensures that your emails are delivered or don’t end up in the spam folder. Developed by MailChimp©, Mandrill helps you send emails from their servers. It is a scalable and affo...
5 years ago/
394 hits
Database Log Table
lugin will help admin with cleanup and maintenance of t_log table. Supports both manual and auto/cron cleanup tasks. Feeling tired of manual t_log table cleanup? Didn't even know that it takes huge space inside your database? Don't worry, we got you covered! With DLT plugin your administration list will get shorter for...
5 years ago/
380 hits
Free for Osclass is a free messaging app that lets you monitor and chat with visitors on your website or from a free customizable page. No catch. No spam. No wares. It's truly free and always will be. Easily integration of messaging app for osclass. Setup steps: - Enter your oc-admin panel, go to Plugins -> Tawkto Em...
5 years ago/
720 hits
Amazon S3
This plugin will allow you to upload the attached photos to Amazon S3 service. Amazon S3 is a cloud storage service for the Internet. It is designed to make web-scale computing easier for developers. It provides a simple web-services interfaces that can be used to store and retrieve any amount of data, at any time, fro...
5 years ago/
298 hits
User Items Counter
Plugin will re-calculate all user's active items and correct the potentially wrong stats numbers in case you have experienced this issue. Additionally, it will add a new 'Total Items' column in Admin Dashboard > Users menu. NOTE: PRO version of this plugin with new cool & exciting features is available here: Use...
5 years ago/
542 hits
Contact counter
Your listings are a success? This plugin helps administrators know how many times a listing has been contacted. You can know how many times a user has contacted another, just by searching for the listing or the user, or even know the total contacts over the time. Options: From you oc-admin you will be able to: - Displa...
5 years ago/
478 hits
Time elapsed
This plugin will display the loading time at the bottom of your site source code. This will let you know how long it takes your site to load and it can help you implement measures to optimize your site navigation.
5 years ago/
381 hits
Terms and conditions
A simple plugin which include on publish and edit page a checkbox for terms and conditions. Easy to implement with option to auto include the checkbox or manual include by including a line in your theme for displaying the terms in which area you want.
5 years ago/
333 hits
Telephone plugin
A plugin which allow you to include the telephone number on items. A plugin which allow you to include the telephone number on items. Why a plugin? So you can display the phone input field in which area you want on the publish or edit page. Also on the item page you can display the phone number of the item in sidebar o...
5 years ago/
493 hits